Sinusitis NJ and What You Can Do About It

If you suffer from chronic sinus issues, you may have Sinusitis without even realizing it. Sinusitis NJ is a chronic condition that can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Check these five questions and answers to learn more:

1) What symptoms are associated with sinusitis?

Suffering from sinus pain and pressure is arguably the most common symptom that accompanies sinusitis. You may experience mild facial pain, tenderness near your eyes, and difficulty breathing through your nose. You might also feel a dulling of your senses of smell and taste, get mucus from your nose, and suffer from sinus headaches. If your symptoms are worsening, you could also get sore throats, bad breath, fatigue, and possibly even tooth pain.

2) When should I see a doctor for my sinusitis?

If you have had symptoms that have continued for weeks, or if you experience these issues on a regular and repeating basis, it may be time to explore options to bring yourself a permanent solution to your ailments. One of the most modern and least invasive ways to address chronic sinusitis is through balloon sinuplasty. Ask your general practitioner for a referral if you have Sinusitis NJ.

3) Do I have Sinusitis?

Only your doctor can say for sure whether or not you have sinusitis. If you are feeling sinus pain and pressure, you ought to consider scheduling an appointment with your physician, because sinusitis can lead to even worse conditions.

Sinusitis is a condition that occurs when you develop inflammation in the sinus lining. This can condition cause discomfort, difficulty breathing, and an increased chance of sinus infections. If your sinus opening becomes blocked because of this swelling, even more discomfort and repeated infections could occur. Sinusitis can last for just a few days, but it can also last for many weeks. Conditions lasting for more than twelve weeks are an indication you should see your doctor.

4) Is chronic sinusitis similar to an allergy or cold?

Though these conditions can sometimes be intertwined – a cold or allergy flare up can sometimes lead into a bout of sinusitis – they are actually separate and distinct ailments. That said, those with chronic sinus problems will often find that one is inextricably linked to the other. Those with chronic problems often seek balloon sinuplasty so they can finally to achieve a permanent solution to these problems.

5) Are there specialists I can see for my chronic sinusitis?

Yes, if you have chronic problems with your sinuses, you can and should seek out doctors in specialized areas that can help you. If you are looking for a doctor for your problems, you may seek advice from your general practitioner or pediatrician. You can also consider an allergist. If medication does not help your symptoms, you should seek a referral to see an ear, nose and throat specialist in order to explore your other options.

Sinusitis NJ can be uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to dominate your life. Not with new procedures designed to give you long-term solutions to this problem. Ask your doctor to find out more.