Pain Management in West Orange Doesn’t Always Mean Surgery

Pain management in West Orange doctors reviewing an x-ray

When many people think of pain management in West Orange, they assume the treatments will be invasive. The thought of going through more surgery and having to withstand painful procedures in order to alleviate pain is a big deterrent. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are many treatment options available today. The most important step towards a pain free life is selecting the right doctor. So many people suffering from chronic pain have been mistreated or misdiagnosed that they give up. Sometimes finding a doctor that really listens to their patients is difficult. For those with “invisible illnesses” it can be even worse. With appropriate research, finding the right doctor can change your life.

What Causes Chronic Pain

There are an almost endless number of causes of chronic pain. From old injuries to auto-immune diseases, the list is long. Some of the most common are preventable. Bad posture, for example, can lead to lifelong pain. Improper lifting of heavy objects can cause severe back pain. Normal aging and arthritis are also very common reasons for people living in constant discomfort. Lastly, many auto-immune diseases come with non-stop agony. Examples of pain inducing auto-immune diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and lupus.  The hardest part for people living with this type of pain is that, to other people, they seem perfectly fine. “You are making it up” and “You are making it seem worse than it is” are common responses to chronic pain. The stigma of invisible illnesses is beginning to shift, but it can still be difficult for these patients to find a doctor who can help.

Pain Management in West Orange Looks Different

With many medical advancements, pain management looks very different now than it used to. Luckily, for those suffering with constant discomfort, there are many more options besides opioids and surgery. Steroid injections are a very prevalent treatment step to relieve pain for patients. These injections can treat an array of issues. The main problem is that the relief is temporary. So, while they can provide some comfort, it is usually only for a certain amount of time. A nerve block is another type of injection that is routinely used. They can determine if the patient may benefit from another procedure called radiofrequency ablation as well as for pain relief. This uses a needle-like tube to deliver a radiofrequency electrode to destroy the nerve that is delivering the messages of pain. It is important for patients to know that there are non-invasive treatments available before jumping into surgery.

Sometimes Surgery is the Answer

Aside from injections, there are other options too. Spinal cord stimulation is one example. A device is implanted during a small procedure. Once complete, this instrument will deliver intermittent electrical signals directly to the spinal cord. Another procedure that is relatively new and alleviating pain for many patients hurting from spinal stenosis is called mild®. This stands for Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression. It is only one step above an injection and much less invasive than surgery. Another treatment option is stem cells. The cells are farmed from the iliac crest and then injected into the troublesome joint. The use of stem cells encourages regeneration and healing thereby lessening the pain. While these options may require anesthesia and are certainly more intrusive than an injection, they are also much less involved than full on surgery.

Surgery Isn’t Always the Answer for Pain Management in West Orange

Nobody likes to be in pain. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need addictive drugs or complex surgical procedures. Medicine is constantly evolving and advancing. It can be disheartening to hear from office after office that drugs or surgery are your only option. The key is to keep trying. Nobody deserves to live in constant pain. It is important when searching for a new pain doctor in West Orange to read customer testimonials, speak with the staff personally, and to try to make sure the office and doctor are the right fit for you. For the best pain management in West Orange, call Progressive Pain Management. This office truly listens to their patients to give them the best possible outcome.