Buy Evolution Seed and Help Save the Planet

When you buy Evolution seed you support the environment like the healthy green forest floor here

Despite the debate that some people may engage in regarding the state of the environment, every choice for the good of the planet is a good choice. Everyone is familiar with reduce, reuse, and recycle, but there is so much more that people can do. Decisions like buying Energy Star rated appliances, replacing windows and doors with energy-efficient options, and choosing fuel efficient vehicles are things that are as simple as choosing one product over another. In addition to these types of things, practicing organic gardening helps the environment in a number of impactful ways. Some of these ways are related to what is included in these products. Other reasons are because of what is not included. We encourage everyone to consider purchasing organic gardening products and buy Evolution Seed from suppliers like Tech Terra Environmental to help save the planet.

Support the Three R’s: Reduce Reuse and Recycle

We’ve all heard it and we think we know what it means. But do we really? What does it look like to actually reduce, reuse, and recycle? The goal of this is to limit the amount of garbage that we produce and how much of it ends up in landfills. Experts at this lifestyle can limit the amount of garbage they add to landfills every year to miniscule amounts.

The first term, reduce, refers to reducing the amount of garbage that we produce. This can be as easy as buying products that serve more than ore purpose or are packaged in something that can be used again after the original product is depleted. Beware of excess packaging, single use plastics, and unnecessary purchases.

The point of reusing is pretty obvious also. Whether it be packaging or a product itself, before you throw it out, consider what else you can use it for. Many jars and containers can be reused as organizational tools in offices, basements, and garages. Repurposing is another type of reusing. Turning something into something else useful is a great way to help reduce landfill additions.

Recycle is the last of the three R’s and the last chance of a product to become something other than disposable garbage. Glass, cardboard, paper, and many plastics are readily recyclable with little effort for most households. Most townships offer mixed recycling. This means all recyclables go into one container. What could be easier?

Buy Evolution Seed and Other Organic Products

According to this study posted on American University Washington College of Laws Digital Commons, “Organic agriculture, more than any other production system, has the greatest potential for combating climate change.” Organic gardening doesn’t only improve your garden, but has far-reaching effects that benefit the whole planet. The more homeowners that choose organic gardening, the more impactful the results.

Organic farming and gardening improve soil health. The chemicals and toxins found in non-organic products can strip soil of beneficial nutrients and biodiversity. Organic products like Evolution Seed do not only not kill advantageous items in the environment, they improve the soil health overall. Organic farming also helps reduce soil erosion. Even the natural amount of erosion that does occur does not contain pesticides or chemicals. This keeps our water supplies cleaner in addition to the better condition of the soil.

Buy Evolution Seed if you love native flora and fauna. Because organic products support healthy soil biodiversity, it helps native plants and animals to survive. The better the health of native species, the less invasive species are able to thrive. A healthy environment supports a healthy environment. Environmentally damaging products weakens ecosystems and allows harmful pests and diseases to take over.

Branch Creek Evolution Seed product image

Buy Evolution Seed for an A-LIST® Product

The Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turf (or A-LIST encourages all farmers, growers, and turf managers to choose sustainable products. All A-LIST products require less watering, need reduced inputs to thrive, and are heat tolerant. The more people that choose A-LIST products, the more the environment benefits.

While this list only applies to turf products, there are many organizations that help consumers find environmentally beneficial products. When reviewing product labels keep your eye out for green certifications and recognitions such as the U.S. EPA Safer Choice, Energy Star, Non-GMO, and USDA Organic.  

Support your garden and help the environment when you buy Evolution Seed and other products like it.