A Manahawkin Dentist and How to Fix Crooked Teeth

Health and Fitness
Years ago, if you or your children had teeth that were crooked, the only options to you were to either straighten them with braces or learn to cope with a misaligned smile. Braces remain an effective way to straighten teeth, but not everyone likes or wants traditional braces. Some do not like how they look or feel, and they do not like the care and maintenance traditional braces require. The good news is, your Manahawkin dentist can tell you about alternatives to traditional braces that you might find more desirable. A few you may want to learn about include: Veneers These are not braces. Actually, they aren’t even a way of straightening your teeth. Instead, a veneer is a porcelain covering that goes over the front of your natural teeth. The…
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7 Secrets Hotel Staff Don’t Want You To Know

If you’re ready for your vacation at the Jersey Shore and you are getting set to book a Beach Haven hotel, fantastic! We’re sure you’re going to have a great time. But if you want to maximize your experience, you’ll want to know some of these 7 hotel secrets Beach Haven hotels don’t want you to know! Read on: The worst time to call and try to get a special request pushed through is between 9am and 1pm. Those are extremely busy times for hotels. Receptionists just want to get you off the phone as quickly as possible because they are dealing with a million other things at the moment, from check ins to complaints and much more. So avoid calling during those peak hours if you want something special.…
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Sinusitis NJ and What You Can Do About It

Health and Fitness
If you suffer from chronic sinus issues, you may have Sinusitis without even realizing it. Sinusitis NJ is a chronic condition that can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Check these five questions and answers to learn more: 1) What symptoms are associated with sinusitis? Suffering from sinus pain and pressure is arguably the most common symptom that accompanies sinusitis. You may experience mild facial pain, tenderness near your eyes, and difficulty breathing through your nose. You might also feel a dulling of your senses of smell and taste, get mucus from your nose, and suffer from sinus headaches. If your symptoms are worsening, you could also get sore throats, bad breath, fatigue, and possibly even tooth pain. 2) When should I see a doctor for my…
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