7 Secrets Hotel Staff Don’t Want You To Know

If you’re ready for your vacation at the Jersey Shore and you are getting set to book a Beach Haven hotel, fantastic! We’re sure you’re going to have a great time.

But if you want to maximize your experience, you’ll want to know some of these 7 hotel secrets Beach Haven hotels don’t want you to know! Read on:

  1. The worst time to call and try to get a special request pushed through is between 9am and 1pm. Those are extremely busy times for hotels. Receptionists just want to get you off the phone as quickly as possible because they are dealing with a million other things at the moment, from check ins to complaints and much more. So avoid calling during those peak hours if you want something special.
  2. Don’t use the 1-800 number to make reservations. That will usually send you to a central office for all locations. Those offices use set rates and can’t negotiate. Instead, call your chosen hotel directly and book directly with them. Often, you’ll be able to negotiate better rates.
  3. Most hotels genuinely can’t speed up your check-in time. If check-in is at 2pm, that’s based around the time necessary for the staff to prepare your room and the rooms of all the other folks staying there. While you can always ask for rush service if you’re going to be arriving early, it may not be possible. Further, you may not actually WANT them t rush through cleaning your room. Think about it!
  4. Hotel sheets are washed daily, but guess what? Blankets in many chain hotels may only be washed weekly, and comforters/bedspreads less frequently than that. There generally isn’t a need to do it more often. That’s why you should request fresh linens when you check in. You’ll get fresh blankets!
  5. If you want your wi-fi charges waived, ask them to be removed at the end of your stay rather than asking for them to be waived in advance. It’s actually a lot easier for a receptionist to remove them from your bill than it is to not bill for them in the first place. That may sound backwards, but trust us, it’d true!
  6. If you’re in the same area a lot, use the same hotel every time. When you’re recognized as a regular, you’ll get discounts, perks, be treated better, and have an overall better experience. They want your frequent visits to continue!
  7. Yes, you CAN steal some things from a hotel – or chain hotels, at least. Specifically, the shampoo, lotion, soap, and that sort of thing? That’s advertising. It’s part of why their logos are all over it, so don’t feel guilty about that tiny bottle of shampoo. Consider is unofficially complementary (though again, this only applies to chain hotels – that stuff costs smaller hotels a lot of money!). Items like towels and pillows, on the other hand, will get you in trouble. You WILL be paying for it if caught. In some cases, you’ll even be brought up on charges. Your best bet? If you want something, just ASK.

Pretty easy, right? So the next time you plan to stay in a Beach Haven hotel, just remember these tips and your experience will be 100 percent better – and maybe even a little cheaper, too!